JavaScript Object-orientated Widget Library

JS-OWL is an AJAX enabled Object-orientated Widget Library (OWL) designed for pure Web Application development. It provides the Developer with a comprehensive set of JavaScript (JS) UI controls on which to build a rich, cross browser front end with Web 2.0 capability.

A client and server component make up the libary and when used together provide a shared environment for multiple users to collaborate on or use the same application.

The client module can also be used as a stand alone component allowing static web applications to be developed without the need for a web container.

Client Module

The client module is a pure JavaScript library and is designed to integrate seamlessly with existing HTML code allowing developers to build on top of their web sites and web applications.

Developers can also build a complete user interface without the need to write any HTML. Configuration data for JS-OWL interfaces is represented using familiar JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) allowing interfaces to be rapidly developed. A JS-OWL powered application is also planned to provide a visual tool to help developers build JS-OWL user interfaces even faster.

Thanks to the object-orientated approach used, the various JS-OWL controls can be easily extended to create new controls or add extra functionality to existing controls.

Server Module

The server module will consist of a servlet designed to run within Apache Tomcat and will provide an AJAX "hook" for JS-OWL applications.

The exact functionality of the server module is yet to be confirmed and will be finalised once the client module is released.